128 Collective
128 Creative Collective is a Pensacola based digital marketing group founded in 2013. We've worked with many local businesses over the years and spoken to dozens more. We came up in the rough and tumble Pensacola marketing scene (Low budgets and high competition) and learned to thrive within those constraints.
In the last few years we've had the opportunity to apply lessons hard learned on a local level to a national scale and the results in terms of ROI have been spectacular. Working at scale presented a whole new set of challenges, mostly related to efficiency. We wanted to find a way to provide the same level of quality on a technical level but keep the pricing in a range that smaller companies could afford the investment. Modern automation techniques and services have allowed us to address these issues in ways and at speeds that were unthinkable when we got started.
Through automation we've been able to segment and distill our product offerings to help businesses owners feel confident in their digital presence for a one-time fee of $500 and delivered in a 4 week turnaround. To learn more about these offerings, check out our digital marketing service pages or just give us a call.
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